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Civil and Family Litigation

Our firm has lawyers with a solid experience and reputation in litigation and is committed to objectively inform our clients about the implications of disputes in which they or their assets are involved.

We represent, as applicable, the plaintiffs or defendants in civil and family matters at the different stages of their legal proceedings, in the appeals and amparo proceedings that are initiated as a result thereof, as well as in the enforcement of foreign judgments.

In civil matters, we advise our clients in legal proceedings initiated due to forced compliance or termination of all types of contracts, trials related to the leasing of real estate, as well as all types of goods and properties, adverse possession trials, survey and demarcation, mortgages, voluntary jurisdiction diligences, preparatory means for trial, as well as in the design of strategic litigation to achieve the objective of our clients.

In family matters we have positioned ourselves as a reliable and professional option in the representation and advisement of our clients in relation to the guardianship of minors and the people declared incompetent, adoptions, judicial authorizations, provisional separations, change of patrimonial regime, alimony, kinship, voluntary and necessary divorce proceedings, and successions.

We have the required potential and connections in order to supervise trials in any part of the country and outside of Mexico.