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Heavy Industry Monthly Newsletter - February 2023

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DateLegal HighlightImpact
January 11The First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) reiterates the suspension of the order that obliges companies to only acquire gas from Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).Private companies that are protected by the amparo will be able to obtain their natural gas supplies from the supplier of their choice until the SCJN issues a final judgment.
January 13The transitory articles of the Mexican Official Standard NOM-001-CRE/SCFI-2019, Electric energy metering systems-Meters and metering transformers-Metrological specifications, test methods and conformity assessment procedure are amendedThe NOM specifies the deadline for manufacturers, Transporters and Distributors to install meters and metering transformers.
January 18Leopoldo Melchi is appointed as CRE's PresidentLeopoldo Melchi will chair the Energy Regulatory Commission for an additional seven-year term.
January 19National Institute of Access to Information (INAI) orders the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) to disclose the price per million cubic meters of Mexican gas.INAI determined that the CRE is competent to know about prices, discounts, and volumes regarding gas commercialization.  
January 11Mexico and Canada win the final resolution of the T-MEC Dispute Settlement Panel on automotive rules of origin.The Panel determined to consider as originated in the region the essential parts of a finished vehicle that meet a minimum regional content of 75 percent.

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Our partners in charge of advising you and our energy specialists (Jorge A. Arrambide Montemayor and Carlos A. Chávez Pereda, will be attentive to determine the challenges that this change represents for you as well as of the approach to face them in a timely and efficient manner.