Viviana Villarreal de León

Viviana Villarreal de León
Practice Areas
Viviana Villareal de León has been a member of Santos Elizondo since 2021, her practice has focused mainly on representing clients in commercial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, real estate transactions, amongst other. She has also participated in the management of corporate secretary of important national groups and in the review and advice related to civil and commercial contracts. Her practice has been distinguished by her proactive handling of client problem solving.
Prior Experience
- Se desempeñó como pasante en el despacho Canales, Dávila, de la Paz, Enríquez, Sáenz, Leal, S.C. de junio 2019 a diciembre de 2020 y como asociada junior de enero de 2021 a abril de 2021 donde comenzó su desarrollo dentro de las áreas de práctica que cubre.
- Law Degree from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (2020).
- Spanish
- English