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Santos Elizondo recognized as a Pro Bono Leading Light 2022

We are proud to share that Santos Elizondo has been recognized by Latin Lawyer and The Vance Center as "Pro Bono Leading Lights 2022".

This award is given to law firms in Latin America that stand out for their remarkable contribution to the reinforcement of the pro bono culture. In Mexico, only thirteen firms obtained the distinction, including ours.

Among the factors that influenced the selection of firms were the institutionalization of the practice, work performed, firm's pro bono infrastructure, and recognition of lawyers' work.

Pro bono work provides the opportunity for the most vulnerable sectors of society to access legal services of excellence at no cost. This contributes to strengthening the access to justice for Mexicans. 

In Santos Elizondo, we seek to contribute to society through our practice and we will continue to encourage these actions in support of the community. We extend our congratulations to all the firms that received this recognition.

Please let us know if you may know of any case, either an individual or a non-governmental organization, that you consider deserves pro bono legal professional services, so that we can contact them and offer our support. For this purpose, you may write to us at