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Foreign Investment

We know and recognize the complexities involved in navigating the Mexican legal system to achieve a successful investment in our country, which is why our firm has offered its clients permanent support in legal and regulatory advice regarding foreign investment in Mexico. We analyze and identify legal and regulatory challenges, as well as business development opportunities depending on the sector in which our client operates, whether they are traditional industries or new industries

We design and negotiate the investment vehicles that may be required, whether they are partnerships,joint venturesmaquila agreements (including shelter agreements) or trusts, to ensure a successful soft-landing in our country, Soft-Landing analyzing prior to the arrival in the country the specific requirements and regulations applicable to the type of industry and activities that the investor plans to carry out in Mexico, whether it is a regulated, unregulated, or new industry. In that sense, we accompany our clients in the design, negotiation, and execution, with their initial key suppliers, of the most relevant agreements for the launching of their operations, including leasing, build-to-suit, construction, supply, purchase and sale, secured and unsecured loans, services, consulting, collaboration, amongst others.

Furthermore, we accompany our clients in their negotiations and interactions with the different authorities, including the Ministry of Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda) and its Tax Administration Service (Servicio de Administración Tributaria or SAT), the Ministry of Economy (Secretaría de Economía) and its National Registry of Foreign Investment (Registro Nacionial de Inversión Extranjera), the National Immigration Institute (Instituto Nacional de Migración), the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial), state-owned entities, state, municipal and federal governments.